September 30, 2010


I like Aldo (been shopping there since college), but today I HEART Aldo. A while back, the zipper on my favorite pair of cognac colored knee-high boots broke. I brought them to the shoe guy to repair, and they came back just like new.  After wearing them one week, the zipper broke again! To my dismay, it was much worse than the first time and was looking like I would have to part with them. Since they are a staple in my closet, I did what any other sane person would do- I went shopping to replace them. Fortunately, I found a pair in the same color at Aldo. As I was explaining to the salesperson how I was trying to replace my old ones because the zipper broke, he promptly asked if they happened to be Aldo (which they are). It was then that I learned Aldo repairs all shoes for the life you have them for free!!  What?!?!?  I don't need to part with my beloved boots??? You can repair them?  Yes please!!!  So I'll be bringing them in this weekend to have them fixed... for FREE!!  But, that doesn't mean that I still didn't buy these beauties. Aren't they gorgeous? 

Boots: Aldo Kreuziger

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