September 22, 2010

Rain, Rain go away

I had high hopes when I left for work this morning that the weather would stay nice. We were taking the afternoon off and going to the Twins game. Things looked promising as the noon game time approached, even the walk over to the new field was nice. All was going well until we got to our seats... 

Yes... those dots on the field are the players! But, it was an afternoon off from work, and I was going to enjoy myself. Then the wind picked up and it started to cloud over. One hour into the game and my fingers were turning blue. I didn't last much longer after that first hour. Instead, I left to hit up the craft store for final materials to finish a birthday card for my friend Hadley.

I'm so excited for this card. Hadley is more of a fashionista than I am, and he loves designer anything!  Just recently he invested in his own tux, so I played off that and made him the perfect card (I just hope he likes it as much as I do!). 

Paper:  True Black (Papertrey Ink), White (The Paper Company)
Ink:  Memento Tuxedo Black
Shirt Image: Found online by googling button down shirts
Rhinestone Brads (Stampin' Up)
Ribbon: Michael's

1 comment:

  1. I love it! It may be one of the best birthday cards (and gifts) ever!


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