October 11, 2010

Week one

Don't you just dread when the alarm goes off on Monday? I find it the hardest day to get up. Most be all the fun from the weekend. Lately, I feel I need a weekend from my weekend. To take out the stress of "what the heck am I going to wear" on mornings like this, I've learned to plan ahead. Check out week one of outfits from this closet.  I hope you like them. This is the kind of planning that can save precious minutes in the a.m. (sometimes 15 extra snooze minutes!) Now, I know you're all thinking "I don't have time to do that!". That's where I can help. It doesn't take much to take stalk of what you have in your closet, put it together and identify what key pieces you're missing (see this post for the top items you should have). I was just at a friend's this weekend, and we created over 50 outfits from only half of what she had hanging in her closet. It's not the amount of clothes you have, it's the right pieces and how you put them together. Let me know what you think.  Do you like them? Would you wear them?
Week one

Week one by mplsgirl

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