November 4, 2010


My dad has graciously offered to let me use his Nikon D90 camera for the next few weeks. He's having knee surgery and won't be needing it much for a while. Since I've never used a SLR camera before, I need to learn how they work. What better way to learn than with the "for dummies" series. I suppose a class would be good too, so maybe I'll look into that later. Here's a few pictures I took (before reading the book, using the auto setting). Look for more picture posts this month as I try out all the features this toy has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm taking some digital SLR classes at National Camera (because I got them free with my camera) but I'm also taking a beginner's course at Mpls Photo Center this Saturday 11/13 and then I want to take the composition class on Saturday 11/20. You should join!


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