November 16, 2010


On top of the snow, Ukrainian Formal and Indian Dinner (more on that tomorrow), it was a busy weekend for us. We had a 1st Birthday Party for our friend's daughter, Claire. I consider Claire my niece (I'm an only child and need someone to shower with gifts). I have established myself as the fashion forward aunt who spoils her with fun (and not always practical) clothes! When I came across this adorable faux fur coat at Baby Gap, I knew she had to have it. I was tempted to get the red tutu to go under it, but I need to take baby steps with the fashion - don't want to freak mom and dad out! And the polka dot leggings, they make the outfit. She's going to be one little diva.

Faux Fur Coat, Sweater Dress and Leggings - Baby Gap

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