December 12, 2010

Gingerbread houses

We braved the snownami (we got 18" of snow!) and stuck with our plans to go to our friend's gingerbread house building party. We had such a great evening!  Everyone's houses turned out fantastic and so unique. Do you have an annual parties you attend? What's your favorite holiday tradition?


  1. Those look unbelievable! And what a fun idea for a holiday party...That will definitely be on next year's list of to do!

  2. You're in MN?? Me too! Me too!!

    Can you believe all of this snow? I was finally able to leave the house today... after 2 days of being stuck inside!

    Oh, have you put in your city info in at Location Central yet? It's where you can see who blogs by you. All of us MN bloggers are on there!!

  3. This snow is crazy! But I do love it. We were long over due for a good snow storm:) thanks for stopping by and for th Deere on location central- I'll post my info.

  4. Just an observation: Next time tell everyone to leave their phones at home! (AKA Ramesh!)


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