December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

How can it already be time to ring in 2011? I apologize, I haven't been consistent on the blog lately. December hit me like a ton of bricks - between battling an awful cold/flu (which won by the way), trying to maneuver through 18+ inches of snow (enough to collapse our Metrodome Stadium!) and just trying to get all my holiday baking done, I seemed to miss the holidays. I've been making up for it this week though. Today's my birthday and we're having friends over for drinks. Last night we went out for sushi with friends and had a great time as well. NYE will be a low key dinner at a friend's house.  All in all, a great way to end the year. A few days later, we head to India for 3 weeks - and I CAN-NOT-WAIT! (I'll post pictures while I'm there, so check back often).

With all that said, I wanted to leave you with some inspiration for 2011! It's raining(!?!?) here today and everything is gloomy and grey. I could use some color therapy. Here's a few things keeping me going until it warms up.  Hope you all have a healthy and happy New Year! Cheers to 2011!

Photos from
I want everything from Emerson's collection. I can't wait to see her spring line!

Tom Ford's Spring 2011
Photo courtesy of

Tom Ford's Spring line channels the 70's - my favorite style.  Love the suits!
Photo courtesy of

Derek Lam Spring 2011
Photo Courtesy Vogue.Com
This just screams spring to me, and I LOVE the high waisted. I'm done with skinny and tight!

Photo courtesy
My wonderful husband gave me this silk cardy for Christmas - it will carry me right on into spring!

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