December 6, 2010

I caved!

I've come to realize that trying to not buy myself anything during the holidays was a bit like trying to give up sugar during the holidays (who are those crazy people!). My personal challenge came to a crashing halt today when I strolled into my favorite vintage store. I should have known better. Why tempt myself like that? I thought I could be strong, I only had 25 minutes to kill before I was meeting my girlfriend for an afternoon movie (Love and Drugs...pretty good). As much as I've been rationalizing the purchases, I still made them, and they were worth it! What do you think?

I love how the belt goes inside in the back.

The buttons are really fantastic.

Wonderfully soft and cozy

Isn't the stripe lining great?
I'll wear it with a belt when it's really cold
I found this merino sweater dress today too

The last purchase was this fab necklace


  1. How many jackets do you need? :)

  2. I will gladly take the new cream jacket off your hands if you get further slack for your purchases! Your "finds" are fantastic!

  3. Where's your favorite vintage store? I'd love to check it out!

  4. Via's vintage on Hennepin...I never walk out of there empty handed!


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