January 18, 2011

India {Fisherman's Cove aka pure bliss}

On Sunday we left the city and made our way south for a two day stay at Fisherman's Cove (a resort-like hotel). It's about an hour south of Chennai, on the Bay of Bengal. I can honestly tell you I didn't know what to expect. Imagine my surprise when we were taken by golf cart to our very own private cottage with ocean view. When reserving the room, the only option available was garden view, so we didn't expect an ocean view from our room- let alone our own private cottage! It's hard to believe we are still in India. This hotel could be in any tropical location and you wouldn't know the difference. It has a spa, three restaurants, pool with swim up bar, gym, and tennis courts- it reminds me of a place we stayed at in Cabo a few years back. We ate dinner on our patio both nights and it was heaven. We didn't have to dress up for dinner, deal with crowds or worry about service. A girl could get used to this - just kicking it on the patio watching the waves, with a corona in hand! We took time out to enjoy the spa too. I took a steam and then had a head massage for 45 minutes and after that an hour long relaxation massage. It was fantastic- one of the best massages I've ever had (and I've had my share of massages). It was nice to get a way for two days, just the two of us. We spent a lot of time just lounging on the patio, reading, and enjoying the peace and quiet. As we checked out Tuesday, I saw a coworker from home! Such a shock!! When I said his name, he couldn't comprehend it was me...in India! What a small world. He had just landed the night before and was here for a week for work. The chances of that happening again - one in a million I'm sure. If you are ever in India and have a chance to visit Fisherman's Cove, I highly recommend it. 

The view from our cottage
Our very own cottage
We even had an outdoor shower - HEAVEN!
Me sitting on a catamaran - fisherman use these for fishing - I don't  know how the navigate them in the sea?!?
My view while lounging on the swing
Proof that I ran into Skip in India!
Late night snacks

Don't we look refreshed?


  1. Seriously?!! You two are having the time of your life! You guys look great, I look forward to all your posts!

  2. You ran into Skip in India?! that's random!

  3. you DO look refreshed!!!! i'm totally blog stalking back in your archives reading about your trip! :)


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