February 17, 2011

30 for 30 {Day 16-Dress for Success}

Shirt-Gap, Sweater-Limited, Skirt-JCrew, Tights-Spanx, Boots-Steve Madden, Watch-Michele,
Bracelet (wrapped necklace)-Local desinger, Necklaces-local designer, earrings-local designer
Today was a crazy day, I didn't even have time for lunch (and I hate it when that happens). It was back to back meetings all day. UGH. Now I've got to do some work at home tonight to catch up. After work, I had plans on the calendar to meet friends for happy hour and I wasn't going to miss that! Do you ever meet up with friends intending to only stay for a short while and next thing you know the night has past you by? I could have done that tonight. I was in the mood to just kick back and hang out. I didn't really want to leave. But here I am, at home, procrastinating on the blog when I should be doing work.

Speaking of work, over lunch today I gave my "Dress for Success" presentation to team outside my pyramid. It's something I like to do in my free time (my job has NOTHING to do with fashion or clothes). I've created a short presentation on personal brand and how the way you present yourself says a lot about you in the work place. I hope they liked it. It's the second time I've shared this with a new team. The 30 for 30 challenge came up when I was explaining how you can make a few items go a long way. I shared with them how it's reinforced in me that you don't need to have a closet packed full of clothes to have a lot to wear. You can/should invest in a few key pieces and then learn to remix them. I spent the majority of time talking about this today and sharing with them ways to rethink their wardrobes. I think how you dress says a lot about you and you better make sure you're saying what you want (whether you're out for CEO, being creative, enjoy vintage, follow the trends, you get my drift). Dress for how you want people to see you. Have fun with it!

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