February 5, 2011

30 for 30 {Day 5- introducing Coal}

Sweater-J.Crew, Striped T-Alice Temperly for Target, Jeans-JBrand, Boots-Aldo, Scarf-from India
Necklace-local designer
It's the weekend! Hope everyone is having a good one.  Today we made a trip to the Indian grocery store to stock up on some much needed ingredients and then we went to lunch at our favorite Indian/Tibetan restaurant-Gorkha Palace. If you live in Minneapolis, and haven't been there yet, you've got to go. They have amazing food and it's organic. Everything is made fresh, so you can choose your spice level(which is good considering most Minnesotans can't handle the spice - which, by the way, DOES NOT include me! I love me some spice!). My outfit today represents my typical weekend attire (if I'm not in my lounge stuff sitting on my butt at home!). The weather was decent, so I played with my dogs a bit outside. When Riley made the blog earlier this week, I think Coal got jealous. Today as I was trying to get some pictures, he kept jumping in at the wrong (or right, depends on how you look at) time. Scroll down to see him in action.
Since I was out so long, I had my coat to keep me warm between shots-
this is the Imagine Parker from APART and I wear it everywhere!


  1. I love the leopard lining of your jacket and the green scarf is beautiful! Adorable photos of you playing with your dog and mmm I love Indian food! Happy Sat! xo Emily

  2. I just checked out your 30 items. You have great color and prints! I went with more solids this time around.love this leopard scarf!

    I wore my Target top yesterday! It might be my only Target piece in my 30. An old friend designs for Target. I believe for Merlino?

    Come check out my 30! Jen Hemming and Hawing Again

  3. omg......i am IN LOVE with that coat!!!!! i just may have to splurge on it after this is over! happy weekend! :)


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