February 28, 2011

30 for 30 {Days 26 & 27: Two for One}

Shirt-Target, Blazer-Limite, Jeans-Paige, Shoes-BCBG, Purse-Be&D, Necklace-Local

I threw this on Sunday evening to have dinner with my man and then watch the Oscars. Did you catch them? It was painful watching Anne Hathaway and James Franco host. I'm a big fan of Anne, but this was down right uncomfortable to watch. The chemistry between the two of them was awkward at best.  What did you think?

Monday's are always tough for me, and today was no different. It took me FOREVER to get ready this am. I started out with this:

Then threw on the sweater:

And than realized I would freeze to death without tights, so this is what I ended up with. I like it better without the tights- not so dark, which is why I moved the location...better light in the am in my office.

The rest of today I was running around like a crazy lady trying to get everything done prior to leaving for Oakland/SFO tomorrow. Starting the day at the dentist is not my favorite way to start a Monday. When I finally got in to work, it was back to back meetings and trying to get all my stuff ready for my visits Tues and Wed. After work I had a workout with my trainer-my body still feels like jell-o. Packing was the easiest chore on my list. I don't know how that happened, but it did. It was harder for me to find red/khaki combos to wear to the stores than to plan my non-work outfits. Thank you 30 for 30 for making this easier than normal. With limited clothes to chose from, and desperately wanting to be finished with this challenge, I created two of my final three outfits to wear on this trip. I'm planning on getting some pictures with San Fran in the background. Look for them later this week. Hope you have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. im glad i didnt bother watching the oscars....seems like everyone thought the same as you - painful! :s


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