March 25, 2011

Golf Pants

Blouse-Gap, Sweater-Forever21, Vest-Jovovich-Hawk for Target, Pants-Pure Joy,Shoes-DV by Dolce Vita,
Earrings-LimitedNecklace-Juicy Couture, Watch-Coach, Bracelet-Local, Bangles-Gift from my sister-in-law
So that snowstorm I was telling you hit us and it made me really crabby. What started out as torrential rain turned to sleet which then turned to snow. I wasn't one bit happy looking out my window to see white covering everything. In rebellion I broke out what I like to call my "golf pants". They're so obnoxiously loud, I love them. I've have them for over 12 years(!) and I'm still making them work. Being that old, could I consider them vintage? hmmm.

1 comment:

  1. I love this outfit Erin! Ah, to be tall enough to pull off plaid pants! A short girl can dream... Haha :)


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