March 15, 2011

Navy with a side of pale

Dress-BCBG, Belt-Target, Scarf-H&M, Boots-Aldo, Socks-Target, Watch-Michele, Bracelet-Nomination, Necklace as bracelet-Tiffany&Co, Earrings-Target, Ring-Silpada

I broke down and wore a dress last week without tights. Remind me not to do that again until after I get back from Maui in May. WOW! My legs are WHITE! The weather was turning nicer and I was psyching myself up for spring. I don't think I'd mind my pale skin so much if it was a porcelain pale. You know the type I'm talking about... flawless, creamy white, smooth skin. You know it when you see it because even thought it's pale, it's striking. Mine? Not so much, more a red undertone to it. I best be bustin' out the self tanner quickly. I'm itching to go bare legged, but at this rate I might blind a few people.

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