April 26, 2011

Invested in

Cami-Target, Dress-BCBG, Vest-Jovovich-Hawk for Target, Boots-Aldo, Necklace-Target,
Bracelets-Gifts and Limited, Watch-Coac
 I was digging in the back of my closet the other day and stumbled upon this dress. I bought it in San Fran a few years back for a girlfriend's birthday party and that was the last time I wore it. Since it wasn't getting any play time in my closet, I decided that I needed to find a way to make it more versatile. The vest did the trick and made it feel more appropriate to wear to work. I love when I can find things like this in my closet and repurpose them!

1 comment:

  1. The dress looks great with the vest over it! In fact I just like the vest a whole lot. Period. I have some similarly cut vests that have been hiding in the depths of my closet. Maybe it's about time I dig them out!


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