April 14, 2011

Monthly Night Out

Cami-Target, Tank-F21, Sweater-Target, Jeans-Paige, Shoes-Seychelles, Purse-Hayden Harnett, Necklace/Earrings-The Limited,  Bracelets-Gift/Local, Watch-Coach
This is the title a few co-worker/friends of mine gave to our monthly get together that we started a year or so ago. Once a month we all commit to going out to dinner and drinks. It started a few years back when I took them out to recognize the great job they had done on a project. We had so much fun that night, we've been doing it ever since. Tonight we hit up Amazing Thailand for dinner. It was great. Not being able to have carbs, I opted for the chicken satay and it was delish. Then we headed over to Cafeteria for drinks and dessert. I had to forgo the dessert, but the red velvet cake looked divine as did the chocolate malt. Maybe a Saturday splurge day! It was a fun night with the gang. Looking forward to the next one.

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