April 13, 2011

Scenes from the weekend

Chocolate, Lemon and Raspberry French Macaroons from Patrick's French Bakery
Ukrainian Eggs
As I mentioned earlier, I'm doing a body re-define workshop this month. Sunday to Saturday is protein, veggies and Beans/Lentils - no white carbs (I can eat all the beans and lentils I want though). By the time Saturday comes around, I'm plotting my takedown of all things sugar (basically I should be committed to carbaholics/sugarholics by Saturday night) This weekend was no exception. We started the day off right at the Original Pancake House. I'd never been, so it was quite the experience. Let's just say I walked away so stuffed you could have rolled me outta there. It was delish. I had an egg soufflĂ© omelet with blueberry pancakes and Ramesh had the corned beef hash and a cherry crepe. From there we hit up Patrick's French Bakery to pick up French Macaroons (My Fave!), truffles and a French baguette. After working and playing in the yard with the dogs, I made my way through plenty a chocolate covered sea salt caramel (heaven) and finished the night off with left over Pizza (I froze it so it would last) from last week's adventure at Mozza Mia (Prosciutto, Fig and Gorgonzola Pizza no less). My binge was complete at around 9:30 pm, I could take no more. Sunday rounded out the weekend with a trip to the Ukrainian Egg Event and then the Mall of America (we're crazy like that!) Here's a few shots from the weekend:

T-shirt- H&M, Vest- Gap, Jeans-J Brand, Trench-Burberry, Shoes-Dolce Vita, Necklace-Vintage, Necklace-F21, Necklace-Tiffany&Co


Shirt-JCrew, Sweater-Banana Republic, Vest-Gap, Khakis-Jcrew, Shoes-Sperry, Hat-Target, Sunnies-Target, Watch-Coach

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