May 13, 2011

Did you miss me?

Blouse-Equipment, Pants-JCrew, Tie-JCrew, Trench-Banana Republic, Shoes, Earrings,and Necklaces-Target

Hello my lovelies! I'm back...did you miss me? It's been two weeks. I didn't intend to be away for so long. I had some hiccups when I got back. First, my camera went missing. I searched high and low, basically tore the house apart (my husband thought I'd lost my mind), but couldn't find it. I was sure I had packed it when I left Maui. But, apparently I didn't. It was still in my girlfriend's beach bag. So pictures from Maui will have to wait. The camera is in snail mail on it's way to me from California. Then, blogger went on the fritz. I was all set to post and couldn't get in. But here I am! I missed you all :)
Since I don't have any exciting Maui pictures (yet!), you'll have to do with what I wore to work yesterday. 

I'm so happy it's the weekend. Do you have anything exciting on the agenda? I'm going out for sushi with the girls, attempting a sewing project (more on that next week pending results from the weekend!),  and picking up my recent purchase from a friend - an Eames Chair and ottoman! I'm so excited. I have been coveting this chair for YEARS, and now I am the proud owner of one. Now I just need to find a spot for it.

Whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you have a fab one!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Yay, glad you're back!
    2. I feel your pain -- Blogger's maintenance issue erased the post I posted yesterday morning.
    3. Hot chair. ;-)


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