May 27, 2011

To Hadley!

Tank-Target, Dress-Alice Temperly for Target, Jeans-7forMankind, Shoes-Target, Necklaces-Local, Target, Watch-Michele
Today's blog is a tribute to my good friend Hadley. He took all of these pictures (check out his blog!) and he will be missed dearly when he moves to San Francisco next week. It's bittersweet to see him go. On one hand, it's super exciting that he's following his dream to live there. On the other hand, he'll be leaving us and I don't like that one bit.  I wish him the best and it won't be good-bye, just see ya later.  I plan to be in San Francisco in early July and will get to see him then and with my other two besties living close by, I'm sure I'll see him a lot. It's still hard to see him go and I will miss him not being just a few minutes away. Love you Hadley XO!


  1. OMGosh, totally unexpected! I won't lie, I love the tribute and it being all about me!

    We have had so much fun and I anticipate more fun over the years in San Francisco! I really am going to miss you and R.!

  2. She's so pretty! Her necklace is amazing just like her smile!

    Cess O. <3 The Outfit Diaries

  3. @Hadley- funny how a tribute to you is pictures of me! HA...but your photog skills are great! Wish you could take all my pictures :)

  4. @Erin: Oy, my photo skills could've been intense but I was afraid to lie on the ground. You know why!

  5. Love those necklaces! Is it one or did you layer a bunch together?

  6. It's two necklaces together-they are both big and chunky.


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