June 13, 2011

Outfit to Card {Hello Friend}

Over the years, I've amassed quite a collection of pages torn from magazines. I developed this habit in high school when I plastered my walls with every image I fell in love with from Elle, Vogue, Bazzar, etc.-much to my mom's dismay (did you know scotch tape can peel paint off?). Recently I started storing them in page covers in a binder for easy reference. Per my usual Sunday night routine, I was making a list of things I needed to do this week and realized I was behind on making MANY cards. I'm already behind on two birthday cards (guess they'll be Belated Birthdays now), and wanted to get one card out to my girlfriend tomorrow. I was at a loss for what to make, but as soon as I started looking through my binder, I found my inspiration. I love navy and green together. It can be preppy or chic, casual or dressy. When I saw this lovely dress in Lucky, it became the inspiration for a card. I think it turned out nice. What do you think? Where do you find inspiration? 

Paper: New Leaf (PTI), Navy (SU), White (PTI)
Stamps: Think Big Favorites (PTI), Simple Sentiments (PTI), Background Basics Chevron Stripes (PTI)
Ink: Night Sky (Versa Magic), Frost White (Colorbox), Red (Colorbox)
Other: Mat Stack #4 Die (PTI), Banner Die (PTI), Rhinestone (Michael's)

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