August 30, 2011

Back to School

Skirt and Sweater-JCrew, Blouse-Equipment, Boots-Aldo, Necklaces-EmersonMade,
Watch-Coach, Bracelets-Target, gift, maui, Earrings-Limited

When I awoke this morning, there was a chill in the air. It reminded me of the first day of school. The time of year when the nights are cooler, but warm during the day. It's the time of year that makes me want to break out all my fall clothes, but I know it's still August and I should be savoring summer. With that said, I went for it and wore some of my new fall finds. It seemed like the perfect day to dress a bit warmer. Even our puppy didn't want to get out of bed this am. She was snuggled up tight in her bed.  I know it won't last, it will get hotter again and then we'll hit the tundra freeze. But I'll know I had today and if felt just like it did years ago, on that first day of school. I wish Fall was a longer season, it really is my favorite time of year.

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