August 23, 2011

Mixed Media

Tshirt and skirt-H&M, Belt,necklaces-Target, Shoes-Sam Edelman, Watch-Coach,
Bracelets-Gifts, Target, F21, Sunnies-Target, Earrings-Limited

A co-worker stopped me today and said I was breaking all the rules by mixing stripes with spots and she liked it.  Funny, I didn't think there were rules anymore when it comes to style. You put together what works for you. To top off the two prints, I threw on the leopard shoes for fun. Three different prints. Awesome. I think people like to still follow rules from way back when because it's not intimidating. I know it's scary to think "can I put this print with that". But, it's really what you like and if it looks good to you, go for it! Be brave my friends, be brave. It takes practice, but once you start feeling more confident, you'll be mixing three (or more!) prints too.


  1. Dead on -- it really is about being comfortable, which comes from confidence.

  2. Love the mixing of the two patterns :)


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