October 11, 2011

Yelp 50's Drive-in

Photo courtesy Clewell Photography
My girlfriends and I hit up the Yelp 50's Drive-in party on Friday night and it was a mighty swell time. We went with a Mad Men theme  It was also timely that The Glitter Guide posted a few articles on 50's fashion, beauty and hair. With so many great inspirations, it was easy to come up with a look that felt right. The event had a photobooth, an unbooth (pics posted), and 50's style treats-great cocktails, snacks and party favors- those white sunnies rocked as did the super balls (although they were tough to keep track of!). Overall it was a blast...Thanks Yelp!

Photo courtesy Clewell Photography

Photo courtesy Clewell Photography

Photo courtesy Clewell Photography

Photo courtesy Clewell Photography

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