December 27, 2011


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December 13, 2011


Dress (worn as skirt)-Anthropologie, Shirt-Target, Blazer-Local Boutique,
Boots-Blowfish, Earrings-Target, Rings-Silpada

When I saw this dress in Anthropologie a while back, I immediately thought "I am going to mix the crap out of that dress". That's typically how I convince myself that I need whatever it is I am looking at. The more use I think I can get out of it, the easier I can justify spending the money. This already the third time I've worn it, but first time on the blog. The boots are a more recent rationalization. I was at DSW last week looking for shoes to go with my birthday dress, and stumbled on these lovelies. Since I had found a deal on my shoes AND had $25 reward coupon, I thought what they heck, why not get them. They were already a steal, take the $25 off and they were almost free (not really, but you do what you must to justify, rationalize, explain, whatever-you get my drift). But I'm glad I got them. They are so comfy, they might be my new go to boot. I'm sure you'll see a lot of them in the next few weeks. Do you rationalize or justify your purchases? Is it by versatility or number of times you will wear it?

December 12, 2011


Blouse-H&M, Skirt-Elizabeth & James, Shoes-Pierre Hardy for Gap,
Necklace-from local store, Bracelet-Target, Rings-Silpada, F21, Fur(below)-Vintage

I love the Holidays, crazy as they can get. Every weekend in December is filled with partiers, and in the middle of them all is my 40th birthday bash. Probably not the smartest thing to be planning during this hectic time, but that's what happens when you're a holiday baby. This outfit came together at the last minute Saturday night. Since I've spent most of my fall budget on the dress for my birthday party, I'm shopping in my closet for rest of the holiday parties I'll be attending.  I knew I wanted something flirty and fun, so this skirt fit the bill. It's the perfect party skirt. You can't tell from the pictures (I really need to find a better way to take pictures during the cold/dark winter!), but the hem is leather, as is the waistband. My favorite part of the skirt is the tutu effect it has, which makes me want to twirl the night away. 

December 8, 2011

No thinking necessary

Sweater-BCBG, Cardigan-Target, Leggings-JCrew, Boots-Target, Necklace-Stella&Dot 

If I had to pick a uniform of sorts, something that I go to consistently, this would be it. Comfy layers and leggings that look casual enough to run errands, but if I decide last minute to go out for drinks, I'm ready to go. I tend to wear this a lot on the weekends or when I get too busy to think about what I'm going to wear.
Normally I don't accessorize too much with this, but since I got this Stella and Dot necklace, I find myself wanting to wear it with everything. I love how it suddenly makes this look that much more chic. All it takes is one little piece and wham!, the look goes from ok to WOW. What's your go to look? 

December 7, 2011

Perfectly Paisley

Blouse-Francesca's, Sweater and Skirt-JCrew, Boots-Aldo,
Bracelets-Stella and Dot, Target, Watch-Coach, Earrings-Limited

Today's going to be short and sweet. With the Holidays in full swing, I'm crunched for time. Love, love, love this paisley skirt from JCrew. Can't wait to re-mix with other items in my closet. Not to mention it's a bold burst of color. Something I need right now because when I get busy I tend to start dressing in neutrals. It's quick and easy.

December 6, 2011


Dress-Vintage, Belt-Love Culture, Scarf-NY&Co, Shoes-Blowfish,
Bracelets-Target, Watch-Coach, Earrings-Limited
 I love a good vintage find. I'm not a pro when it comes to vintage shopping, but I know what I like. Remember this post? I found a lot of vintage goodies that day and now I'm finally getting around to wearing that dress. You can never go wrong with a sweater dress. Dress it up or down, it's one item that get's a lot of mileage in my closet.  This is pretty tame for me, as I'm usually in a lot more color. But some days you just feel like blending in.

December 5, 2011

Muse Monday #6

photo from Pinterest
photo from Pinterest

Today's Muse Monday is inspired by Pinterest and JCrew. I've gushed enough about the things I find on Pinterest and you all know I love me some JCrew. They make preppy cool. When it came time to make a birthday card for my friend Wade, I knew it would have to be colorful, and where better to look for inspiration than a JCrew catalog. Wade and his husband Lalo are some of the most interesting people I know. It's always a good time, and this birthday did not disappoint. Lalo organized a happy hour, but it was the details he put into the event that made it special. The theme was old school flight attendant (think Pam Am). From the invites-boarding passes on flight 38 (Wade's age) to the luggage filled with vintage scarves, nothing was missed.  When you untied your vintage scarf, you found wings, peanuts, pretzels, and a bottle of liquor like you get on the plane.  It was fantastic! Then, to top it off, we had a paper airplane contest- we had to each make a paper airplane (not so easy when you haven't made one for YEARS) and then see who's would fly the farthest. I took second (my husband won-what do you expect, he's an engineer). All in all, it was a fun night and I think the card represented Wade well.

Paper: Vintage Cream (Papertrey Ink), Beet (PaperSource), Leaf (PaperSource), Lavender Moon (Papertrey Ink)
Stamps: Cupcake Collection, Table Servce (Both Papertrey Ink)
Ink:Night Sky (Versa Magic), Versa Mark
Other: Cupcake Collection Die (Papertrey Ink), Glitter

December 2, 2011

Fashion Flashback

Sweater-H&M, Skirt-F21, Boots-Seychelles, Necklace-Stella and Dot (I want this one to wear with it),
Bracelets-Target, Earrings-Limited

I don't know about you, but I love anything 70's, and that's the vibe I'm channeling today. Is it the long pendant or the turtleneck and carmel colored skirt? Whatever it is, I can picture my mom when I was a child wearing something similar (although I'm sure the skirt would be longer!). Funny how I can remember those details from when I was so very young. I think they made a lasting impression on me. She had some great jewelry (some of which I now have) and I can recall vivid colored/printed maxi skirts that she would pair with black sweaters in winter. I hope these are memories of my mom! Ha. If not, I'm recalling what I saw on t.v. as a child. Things tend to blur when I go back that far. But I do know one thing for sure, I used to own the most awesome red and white checked, seersucker jumpsuit thingy with fantastic bell bottoms! If I recall, my mom even made it for me. I wonder if it's hiding in my parents basement? Not that it would fit, I was 4 or 5 at the time. But it sure was cute-scroll down and see for yourself.

Update: They are memories of my mom...check it out:

December 1, 2011


Shirt-Target, Skirt-from Parc Boutique (few years ago), Boots-Seychells, Necklaces-Stella and Dot, F21,
Rings-Silpada, Earrings-F21

Can you believe it's December already? Whoa. Where has the time gone? With the change in daylight savings and not getting home in time to get good pictures outside, I've been MIA for most of November. But fear not my friends, I'm back. I took enough lashings from a few you a few weeks back on why wasn't I posting. So I'm here to tell you I'm back baby!! 

Now, let's get back in to the swing of things with what I wore to turkey day. The key to getting through the holidays for me is stretchy fabrics. Ha! This little number was my Thanksgiving ensemble this year, and let me tell you- it was the most comfortable I've ever been (well, maybe not counting those childhood years) Comfy doesn't have to mean sweats or baggy clothes. This adorable skirt...elastic waist. Yep. Expands with all that food you eat. And this top? I'm in love (or as much feeling as one can have for an article of clothing). I loved it so much, I went back to Target and bought 2 more in different colors.

What's your secret to surviving the holidays? Do you just give in completely and then spend January trying to undo the damage you did? Or do you like to take things in moderation (and not wear elastic waist clothes?) and feel good through to January? Let me know. I'd love to hear what you all do.