January 29, 2011

30 for 30 {Taking the remix challenge}

Having recovered from my jet lag and seeing my expenses from our wonderful trip to India, I've decided to take the 30 for 30 remix challenge from Kendi of Kendieveryday (check out her blog - It's really great!). It's just what I need to spice up my closet and keep me from shopping! The challenge is quite simple: Pick 30 items from your closet (this includes shoes, but not accessories). Remix them for the next 30 days and voila - 30 for 30. Since I'm late to the game on this, I'll be frantically picking my 30 items over the next two days since we start on Feb 1. I'll need to give some thought to my picks - I do have to go to work M-F and we have a dress code (meaning I still need to look more professional than fashionista!). This is going to be interesting, but I'm up for the challenge. 

Here's what Kendi chose (I'll be using some of her items for inspiration), I'll post mine on Monday.

Photo from Kendi Everyday

Photo from Kendi Everyday

Photo from Kendi Everyday

Photo from Kendi Everyday

Photo from Kendi Everyday

Photo from Kendi Everyday


  1. Wait. You can only wear these 30 items (excluding undergarmets and accessories) for the next 30 days? OMG.


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