January 25, 2011

India {See you soon, not goodbye}

I didn't think leaving India would be as hard as it was. I fell in love my new family and the country itself. As we pulled away from the house, I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. It took everything in me not to cry the whole ride to the airport. I've never experienced anything like this before. I literally did not want to leave. I was finally getting comfortable with my new family and able to really enjoy my time with them. The first week was overwhelming. The language barrier itself was a challenge. On top of that, I was trying to remember everyone's names (pronounced them correctly!) and how they were all related - there were times I felt I needed to draw a family tree the names written phonetically! Then, there were the short trips we took to Delhi and Fisherman's Cove. Amazing experiences and so glad we went, even though it made the trip feel that much shorter with the family. The final week was spent with family again and I think that is when I finally felt like I belonged. I was able to communicate with everyone, remember who they were and make those connections. Personalities started showing and I really got to know them (and love them!) even more. I adore everyone I met with all my heart and am already trying to figure out how soon we can get back. It's bittersweet being back home. It was such a short trip and I wish I had more time there, but I am also happy to be back home with my family and friends here. I'l leave you today with a few of the things I'll miss in India:

Autos - My preferred mode of transportation

Cheena Coal (neighborhood dog) - the little guy in front reminded me of
Coal only smaller,hence I named him Cheena (small) Coal. He was the best!

Random Cows all over the place - Love them!!

But most of all, I will miss my family:

All the cousins together with me

My mother-in-law - isn't she adorable!?!

My nephews (yes, they are twins)

The fam - love them dearly
More family (Ramesh's sister with her two boys and Dinesh's wife and one of her boys)

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