February 14, 2011

30 for 30 {Day 13-checked animal}

Shirt-JCrew, Cami-Target, Vest-Local Store, Skirt-BCBG, Tights-Target, Belt-LoveCulture
Boots-Aldo, Necklace and bracelet-Stella and Dot, Watch-Coach,
Earrings-unknown (I've had them since college, which makes them VERY old!)
It's Valentine's Day... do you celebrate? We don't. Every time I tell people we don't believe in Valentine's Day, they look at me like I'm an alien. I just don't get it (never did). Why do I need to show my love for someone on this particular day? Don't I love them equally all year long? When I met my husband, he shared the same thought. It helped that he's Indian and wasn't raised with this so-called holiday. This way there's no pressure to buy flowers or a gift and try to get dinner reservations at a packed restaurant. In fact, the best Valentine's day I've had was a few years ago. A bunch of girlfriends came over, we made dinner and this TO DIE FOR dessert. We sat around all night gabbing, drinking wine, and eventually polishing off the dessert right from the bowl as we passed if around the table. Good times! 

Tonight was just another night. We made dinner at home and now I'm going to finish some work for tomorrow. After that, I'll be patiently waiting for the new stamp/product releases at Papertrey Ink to go live at 11pm. Yes, I'm obsessed and really need to get a life.


  1. Love it the outfit and the reference to the best V-Day ever :) That night was amazing!

  2. Rawr! NeeeenaGarcia would love.

    That was a classic Valentine's Day. I think it epitomized my view of the day---- another excuse for amazing treats the love of friends who'll always be around. I'm still confused as to why Andy feels obligated to celebrate the darned holiday. He's seriously had to remind me of it.

  3. You didn't give props to your girl for finding you the cheetah vest at Atmosphere?!!! ;) "happy anti-Valentine's!"

  4. l o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ve the vest! you have the best animal print items!!!


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