February 15, 2011

30 for 30 {Day 14- frumpy}

Shirt-Target, Sweater-JCrew, Skirt-Jcrew, Shoes-Pierre Hardy for Gap, Tights-Target, Necklace and Ring-Silpada, Earrings-Target, Belt-Forever21

Today was one of those days. I just didn't have it in me to work at my outfit. I even had two(!) large coffees. I just couldn't seem to get my act together. Looking at my 30 items this am, I couldn't find inspiration. So, I resorted to basic black. I do feel good about throwing on the mulberry tights. At least they give the outfit some pep, but still felt frumpy all day. 

Fortunately the weather has been fantastic the last few days- I'm hoping spring is here to stay. When the weather gets like this, Coal doesn't want to come inside, so I decided to join him in the backyard. He just can't stay away from the camera. Almost every shot I took had him somewhere in the frame. He's such an attention seeker.

I hope your day was better than mine. I just finished a killer workout with my trainer and that seems to have done the trick. I'll be back at it tomorrow. 

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