March 23, 2011

Alexa Chung

Shirt-JCrew, Sweater-JCrew, Jeans-Vintage Levi's, Shoes-Seychelles, Necklace-Forever21
So, here it is... my version of Alexa Chung's blunt bob. This was the picture I took into my stylist. I think he did a smash up job considering I don't have hair like hers. I'm loving the shorter length. Now I'm just trying to figure out how to make the curls look better. It will come with practice I guess.

I debuted my new 'do at our Whiskey Tasting Party Part Deux on Sat night. We had a handful of friends over to try various whiskeys. I stuck to Champagne this time. I had vodka for those who didn't want whiskey, but I wasn't in the mood for vodka, so out came the bubbly...and it was delish! The party was a ton of fun. By the end of the night we were taking multiple candid group photos using the timer and tripod. No party is ever complete without a round or two of these! We couldn't get the lighting quite right, so pardon the blurriness on some of them. I could've just been that no one could hold their pose as we were having too much fun.

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