March 22, 2011

Let the sun shine in

Blouse-Forever 21, Sweater-H&M, Jacket-Forever21, Jeans-True Religion, Shoes-RSVP, Necklace-Macy's, Watch-Michele, Sunnies-Marc Jacobs

We had a few gorgeous days last week and I spent a few moments soaking them up. I took this picture just before leaving to get my hair cut. I've had my hair long for a while now and seem to always end up pulling it back-a sure sign I need to do something new. Why is it that when you decide to do something different with your hair, it all the sudden cooperates and looks good? I've always had straight-ish (is that even a word?!?) hair. It use to be that when I blew dry my hair, I didn't even need a brush for it to be straight. All of that changed about a year ago. Now I have curly hair. If I air dry it, it's really curly and if I blow dry without a brush, I look like a poodle. I'm not quite sure why it's changed so drastically. The only thing I can attribute it too was being on some medicine for quite a while last year that did some pretty ugly things to me overall. I used to be that girl that would change her hair drastically each year, long then short, brown, then red (a few times even blonde!). But with this change to curly, I'm not sure how it will take to a new style, let alone how to style it.  I guess I'll have to take the risk and see what happens. Tune in tomorrow to see what I decided to do with the new do! 

1 comment:

  1. its so weird how our bodies change even in adulthood! ive worn a size seven shoe my entire life, but at some point over the last year or two, ive grown to a size 8. strange!

    cant wait to see your new 'do! :)


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