March 31, 2011

Black and White {Birthday Party}

Dress-Jovovich-Hawk for Target,Boots-Nine West, Owl Necklace-Forever21, Necklace-Vintage, Watch-Michele,
Bracelets-vintage, nomination, Ring-Silpada, Jacket-Limited, Purse-Be&D

Saturday night a girlfriend hosted her birthday party at this great bar in NE Mpls. There were DJ's playing amazing house music and everyone was dressed in either black, white or black and white. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to break out my new Jovovich-Hawk for Target dress that I talked about here. It fit the bill perfectly except for the fact that it was so cold I had to double up on the tights. The party was great and Nikki looked amazing in her red dress and old hollywood glamour hair. I love that everyone was in black and white but the birthday girl was in red- what a way to stand out!

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