March 7, 2011

La Traviata

Dress-Local store, Belt-Target, Tights-Spanx, Shoes-Steve Edelman, Earrings-For Love 21, Ring-Silpada, Necklaces (worn as bracelets around wrist)Tiffany&Co, Watch-Michele

The weekend was just what I needed after a long week that included travel for work. Friday we stayed in, made pizza and had a bottle of wine. It was the perfect end to the week. Saturday we went to the Opera. We met friends prior for dinner at Meritage in St Paul. If you haven't been, I highly recommend it. Their Classic Champagne Cocktail was lovely and dinner was delicious. Then, it was on to the opera, which I enjoyed. This was Ramesh's first time and he hasn't decided if he enjoyed it or not. He liked the music, but didn't particularly enjoy watching the show (or trying to read the subtitles for that matter). Interesting. I thought this would be his "thing". He enjoys the classics- poetry, orchestra music, history, drama... all the things you find in an opera. We'll have to try again before judgement is passed. How was your weekend? Do anything fun?

Fur-Vintage, Purse-Be&D

1 comment:

  1. How could Ramesh still be considering it? He likes classical music, right? He likes acting, right? Opera is a combination of the two!


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