March 8, 2011

Seared Scallops

Sunday, Ramesh caught some bug and was sick all day (poor guy!). With him laid up on the couch, I took the opportunity to run some errands and plan out my week of cooking. I find that if I don't have a plan, I don't cook. This leads to finding quick options, which aren't always the healthiest. I had been thumbing through my recent Cooking Light and found a few recipes I couldn't pass up - Seared Scallops and Sauteed Brussels Sprouts with sesame, garlic and ginger. I made these on Sunday night and they turned out AMAZING! I only took a few pictures because, quite frankly, I didn't think about it until after I was done and we were already devouring them! 

1 comment:

  1. Look yum, I'll be trying the brussel sprouts this weekend.


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