August 9, 2011

Busy Bee

Blouse-Zara, Pants-Macy's, Belt and Necklace-Target, Shoes-Bandolino, Watch-Michele,
Bracelets-Gift, Target, F21, Earrings-Macy's

I packed in a TON of activities into this past weekend. Thursday and Friday was a girls cabin getaway. We laid out in the water, made fun drinks, enjoyed donuts for breakfast and spent part of the day boating. It was wonderful being on the lake all alone.  If you follow me on twitter, you saw how calm the water was- it was like glass. Friday night we adopted a puppy. Yep, we got another dog. Coal was moping around and needed a buddy, not to mention I missed having two dogs around. We lucked out and were able to get one from a shelter in town. I'll post more on her later this week. Taking her in Friday night meant Saturday we were running around getting all things puppy-a kennel, toys, a new collar and leash, and making sure we new where she was at all times (she's a mischievous little rugrat). Sunday I started my tennis class and went to yoga. I haven't played tennis since high school and it was great to get back out on the court. You forget how much you enjoy things sometimes. I can't wait to get back out there again this week. All in all, it was a great weekend. How was your weekend?

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