August 10, 2011


Meet Brooklyn.  She's the newest member to our family. Almost two months ago we suddenly and unexpectedly lost our girl Riley. Since then, it hasn't been the same in our home. Coal has been moping, looking for his companion, and I've missed the ruckus two dogs cause. We'd been looking for another bulldog when we spotted Brooklyn on a rescue site. She is a little lover. When she meets you, all she wants to do is climb on you and give you kisses. When she came for the home visit on Friday night, Coal was having a great time playing with her - that is until he tore his cruciate ligament. Poor dude. Who knew dogs could tear ligaments in their knees (dogs have knees?) just like us. With him limping around all weekend, Brooklyn didn't get much play time.  Feeling somewhat better last night (the drugs masking the pain, I'm sure), he played with her. Not the smartest idea, but I couldn't get him to stop. They were having such a fun time together. 

Brooklyn is definitely keeping us on our toes. She's total puppy, getting into everything, being curious, and fearless. We've got to keep watch of her at all times or else we end up with trouble on our hands. I can't wait for Ramesh to take her to obedience classes! She's a crazy little rugrat, but we love her to pieces.

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