October 3, 2011


Way to go Amber, Jenni and Amit!! You guys rock!

Sunday I did one of my all-time favorite fall activities-cheering runners on in the Twin Cities Marathon. The TCM was the first marathon I ever ran over 10 years ago. I've since run 3 full marathons (trained for 4, but that's another story), numerous half marathons and many 10 milers. I never tire of the inspiration I get watching others complete these tests of mental and physical ability. Getting thru September felt much like marathon training for myself-not enough hours in the day and constant exhaustion fogging my brain. I just couldn't get it all done. But, I'm back and have some catching up to do. You'll see some posts this week referring back to last week and some from the week before. I took the pictures, but didn't have time to actually upload them, let alone write about them. So kick back and enjoy the updates, I should be back on track and up to full speed by the end of the week. October is already starting to shape up better than September!

Top pics- candids from the race. Bottom three pics---Anne, Bryan and Scott- Awesome job!

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