October 4, 2011

Something in the Atmosphere

Sweater-Vince, Jeans-JCrew, Jacket-Limited, Boots-Guess, Hat-Macy's

Last week I feared fall was going to pass us right by and old man winter was going to get his way. I'm not going to lie, I kinda liked it. As I've stated before, fall is my favorite time of year and I was excited to pull out my cashmere and leather. It was the perfect look to do a bit of shopping in. My friend Terry owns the boutique Atmosphere in Uptown and he hosted a Fall Preview Party at his store back in Septmber. I met my girlfriend there, we sat around sipping wine and chatting while she tried on clothes, and I left with this shirt I'd been eyeing since summer. If you haven't checked them out yet, do so. They'll be having a fashion show at the Lounge on Friday, October 14 at 9pm.  I'm styling a look or two and one of my girlfriends will be walking the catwalk, so stop by! Should be tons of fun.  For more details on the event, check out their Facebook page or event page.

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